Tiffanee Wade Henderson

A message from the chief ethics and compliance officer

At International Paper, we do the right things, in the right ways, for the right reasons, all of the time — this is The IP Way.

Our ethical values, as outlined in our Code of Conduct, guide our actions and decisions and are a constant reminder of what we believe and how we operate. Our Code of Conduct serves as a guide for how we conduct ourselves every day and helps us successfully navigate ethical challenges.

We all share responsibility for operating with ethics and integrity, embracing both the spirt and letter of the law. Our individual actions, positive or negative, determine our company culture and reputation. That’s why it is important to understand the right things to do, recognize the situations that could cause concern and Speak Up! as soon as we suspect wrongdoing.

We should always feel empowered to voice our concerns without fear of retaliation. We can be confident that any concern we raise in good faith will be taken seriously and addressed appropriately.

Tiffanee Wade Henderson

Submit your concern confidentially and without fear of retaliation. Reach the HelpLine at 1-800-443-6308 or online.

Andy Silvernail speaks to an employee atop a mill tower overlooking a rural landscape
At Our Core

Code of Conduct

The International Paper Code of Conduct supplies the tools we need as we work together to build our business on a foundation of ethics and integrity. It also serves as a compass that provides guidance in all types of situations. It gives us direction on acting honestly, operating with integrity, treating each other with respect and promoting a culture of openness and accountability wherever we do business around the world.

IP Code of Conduct

Third Party Code of Conduct

Our Third Party Code of Conduct outlines our expectations regarding workplace standards and business practices of our suppliers, along with their affiliates and others who are within their supply chain.

IP Suppliers